Studio 9000 case design flaw

We have a Dell Studio XPS 9000 which we purchased with an Intel 980x processor back in 2010 for video processing. Over time we’ve added or changed items in this case. In August, we found that 2 of 3 drives in a Raid 0 were failing and one had failed entirely. Luckily the data was in constant churn and was being saved elsewhere as well. When we investigaged, we 55+degC temperatures on two of the drives. The addition of a simple fan and pulling the front cover away from the fan allowed the drives to cool to ~34degC.

The case front is a solid piece of plastic with no airflow. The hard drives are slated to be installed in a location that is poor at best. Unfortunately, airflow was given no consideration here.

Add a Fan and pull front cover away for a massive thermal improvement.
2015-08-17 11.53.23

2 thoughts on “Studio 9000 case design flaw

  1. hello: I am looking for entire front panel for my DELL XPS STUDIO 9100. If you can help me get this item my email is below.


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